Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The GD Quest for Mint-Oreos!

The journey begins at Jake's little league try outs, more accurately described as the gates of hell. First, Jake is definitely that kid in the outfield staring at clouds and trying to catch bugs. Trust me, we have already ruled out attention deficit disorder. That's just Jake, that's what he does. Not to mention he has the self proclaimed, “best power forward Illinois Wesleyan has ever seen,” as head coach. Aka, my husband (Craig). Craig being Craig, obviously expects his son to be the next MLB superstar. So he is screaming, yelling, ranting at Jake to pay attention. I yell at him to relax, “this is first year little league PRACTICE... There's only like 2 kids that can hit it to the outfield anyway!” Big mistake on my part. Because now, I have to deal with 2 children on the ride home.
Jake is crying in the back and Craig is demanding we stop for ice cream. Where we live, most ice cream parlors are closed for the season and there is no dairy queen for 6-10 miles. So, it was suggested to stop for Jake's favorite cookie, mint Oreos. So, I am driving radically (exaggerated, of course) to get to the nearest grocery. We stop at one store and Craig runs in. Mean while, I am trying to comfort Jake in the car. Craig comes out. No mint Oreos?!? We rush our little adventure over to Meijer. I'm on the phone with my daughter telling her we are stopping to get mint Oreos. Ok. Craig comes out with nothing again.

Craig doesn't say a word he is just fuming. So, I obviously don't comment about not finding any mint Oreos. Jake senses dad's anger and stops being upset as if someone flipped a light switch. The ride home is absolutely silent.

When we arrive at home Isabel (my daughter) asks where are the mint Oreo's? Craig says, “We went to Meijer and I asked if they had any they said no... So, I told them real nicely. F*ck you, I'll go to Jewel!” I lose it and start laughing uncontrollably! Hahaha, yeah you told 'em real nicely didn't ya Sparkey! Looks like you'll be going to Jewel for now on, huh? I'm surprised he wasn't arrested on the spot! I would like to take this time to officially apologize to who ever had to deal with my husband at that store on behalf of the entire Weilk family!


  1. Jen - you are my 500th follower! Thanks for making my day. Kirstyxx

  2. Thank you Kirsty! I just love reading you blogs! They make my day everyday. If you have any tips for first time mom bloggers let me know.
